March 2, 2008

The interesting thing about my business is...

If you are to spend your entire life doing something, it should be something you love. Happy people are those who enjoy their jobs, and enjoying your job when you're an entrepreneur is especially important.

I am probably unlike a lot of people who go into entrepreneurship. I love businesses. I say that in the most dorky way possible. I am not over interested in any particular type of business in general, but more interested in the different parts of businesses and how they interact. I would love to speak to CEOs and ask them what makes their businesses successful. What attracts me to becoming an entrepreneur is that I would be able to build something from the start and build it into a successful, smoothly run business- something that I can look at and say, "I helped make that."

So you may ask why I choose the hospitality field. Can I blame Gilmore Girls? I'm just joking. I have two main reasons why I would like to own a hotel: versatility and fun.

I enjoy researching and the prospect of owning a hotel because there is so much that you can do with it. I have talked to different friends of mine, all with very different majors, and we joke around how they all could help out. My best friend joked about owning a day spa. Guess what- a day spa would be great attached to my hotel. I love basketball; if I wanted I could have my own court. If I wanted to learn horseback riding, a stable and a horse would fit in easily if I owned a smaller inn with lots of land.

Yes, all of these add-ons would change my prospective hotel. They would affect location, and dealing with friends is hard to do in business. But they're options, and I love options. I would hate to be told that I could not do something with my business. Hotels vary so much these days that I could possibly get away with anything (tasteful and marketed in the correct manner). I can change and expand as much as I'd like. My job will never be stagnant.

Second is my fascination with designing. I enjoy looking into real estate or even building houses and rooms myself. Making rooms and architecture delightful and comfortable to live in is fun for me. Making a place for other people to visit and sleep would be very stressful and hard, because every one's tastes are very different, but I will find a versatile way to suit the needs of most people staying.

I'm not looking to own a bare-minimum inn (although it may have to start lower-end). I want to provide my customers with a quality experience in a friendly and luxurious atmosphere. Decorating and formulating different ideas to keep customers happy will be a creative and enjoyable experience for me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the fact that you referenced Gilmore Girls.

(My roommate last year watched it religiously, and after seeing a couple of episodes, I began to think, Hmm, maybe I should do an inn instead of a bakery... haha!)

Great post, I think a lot of us in class can relate to those ideas. I know I can.