May 2, 2008

Its That Time of Year...


You say the word and college students cringe. And yet again, they're here. Its time to freak out.

How is it that no matter how much you try to prepare that they always sneak up on you? In most of my classes I've been keeping up with reading and have started to study for these tests weeks ago... yet when Monday hits I know I'm going to be in trouble.

Could there possibly be a better system? You have tons of papers and small tests throughout the year, which contribute to the stress, but why have every single class you take have a big project or test at the same time? And the silly part of it is that the most emphasis is given to this assessment. Do the faculty really think that you're performing your best when you can't help but think about those other four courses that you've either just taken or are about to take in a couple of day or a couple of hours?

I say no. Down with Finals!

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