April 20, 2008

Quit thinking, Start doing.

I think too big.

Do you see how ahead of myself I've been getting? I have big dreams, but I don't know how to get there. I'm a dreamer, and I just want to do- get to the end product, but I often don't realize what I have to do to get there.

I met someone yesterday that opened my eyes to the fact. He has big dreams. He wants to be a senator. How does someone get to be a senator? I do not know, but I'm sure he does. He bases many of his decisions around it. He doesn't step out of line because it may be spread all over the news a few years from now. He knows where he wants to go, and he has a track to get there. How does he have the patience for that?

I have goals... but I suppose that more than anything I just want to live. I want to explore and travel and experience life. (Wow, I sound like a hippie.) However, I do have big aspirations as well. I'm not pretending that I will be doing exactly what I think I will be in the next couple of years. I go down the road that life takes me. I have so many interests that maybe along the way my aspirations will change. I will discover something that I may want to do more. My whole life will swing towards that. Is it right to be driven so much towards something that a. you have blinders on and miss the journey or b. get where you want and then think, "Now what?"

My new friend put it very well- It depends on how you view life. He & I are very different people, and our lives will be determined accordingly.

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