April 15, 2008

Two steps behind.

Apparently we are moving forward. We talked about building websites in class today. I think that it may be getting a bit ahead of my plans, but I suppose with all the research that thinking about this stuff as well isn't going to do anything but good.

So onto logos. Its good to be clean-cut and recognizable, as well as on everything. Consistency is key. But isn't that a step or two ahead of finding a name? A name for a hotel is probably something to look for first, and the logo could match. I need a name before I put up a website. I also need information about what my company is going to be, especially where (location! location! location!), and what type (business/professional, vacation, low-budget/high-budget)... These are all things that I have been thinking about- but its time to make a decision!

I was thinking about doing a play off my name. Dawn-- First I was thinking Sunshine... I've actually have had people call me that, but it was cute because it was corny. Do I really want a corny hotel name? I just googled a bunch of related names, and I think I may have found one that I like. Under the Sun.

So when I like something, my brain goes crazy relating it to all different things. If it was Under the Sun, I could easily expand into many hotels, because you can travel anywhere "Under the Sun." I could easily have a logo that is bright with beaming rays of sun, that would be appropriate and set the type of easy-going atmosphere that I would like to work in (as well as other people would like to stay in).

By George, I think she's got it. Under the Sun.

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